Charity Printed T-Shirts

Charity Printed T-Shirts

Printed T-shirts are often used to show support for different causes, which makes them a perfect tool for a charity fundraising event or simply an awareness campaign. People who support the cause will be willing to buy and also wear the printed t-shirt which will help to the spread the word about it.

We will also be happy to support the work that you do and offer a generous discount of 20% off all orders. We worked with many charities in the past helping them to reach their objectives with the lowest possible costs. Our printing specialists can advise you on the garments to use and the best suitable printing techniques for the artwork you have in mind and also on how to save the costs. 

Charity Printed T-shirts for MK Bloodwise Leukaemia Concert

We have printed charity T-shirts for MK Bloodwise Leukaemia Concert, who is our client since 2014. In four years, Ed and his team have sold approximately 480 units which have raised approximately £5000 for Bloodwise!

Bright and bold designs tend to attract people’s attention, which could be a good strategy to use for charity t-shirts. Our other charity client, Cancer is a Drug has done just that! They have decided to print their Rainbow Legs Logo on white T-shirts, which proved to be a great decision and even decided to open a shop where people can buy them due to high demand.

We are committed to give our best services

We specialize in Printing Techniques for a full array of garments and non-textile products

If you’re in a hurry and need your printed charity t-shirt in 1 day, we can help with that too! Our express printing service can deliver your order even the next day, without compromising on quality. Whether you need your printed t-shirts in London, Norwich, or anywhere else in the UK, we are here to help. 

We can help you send the right message with the lowest costs. With us, you have the choice of multiple printing techniques and garments that can be used to make the ideal charity t-shirt that you’re looking for. We have cheap garments, as well as eco-friendly ones, such as bamboo and organic cotton t-shirts. For environmental charities, we can offer an eco-friendly printing technique: water-based screen printing. Call our professional team to talk about options that we can offer. 

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